Comic actor William Ochemba took to his Instagram page to disclose that he hasn't had a decent haircut for a while even though he is based abroad, he pinned his inability to get a haircut on his busy schedule, as he revealed that the last time a white man touched his hair he collected £50 and the service rendered to him wasn't superb. This led to his wife taking the bull by the horn, as she made an attempt towards cutting his hair, aided by watching videos on YouTube.

She was able to do a good job, judging from the way he looked after the wife had shaved his hair with a clipper, despite her inexperience in carrying out the task, as the wife did the job which was displayed, here are three things many individuals will probably reason about having a fine hair cut abroad.

She is resourceful: it takes a resourceful woman to think about the need of her husband and trying to meet it with what is available, in as much as her move was economical, it shows she is a woman who can improvise and be prudent with wealth.

Hair cuts are expensive abroad: with Uche Ochemba stating that hair cut is £50, many Nigerians would have swiftly converted the figure to Nigerian currency and seeing that getting a good haircut abroad runs I to thousands of naira, will rather reason to get an alternative means of getting their hair cut, like William Ochemba.

She is a woman who loves her husband: it takes a great deal of love for a woman to learn a skill set that is beneficial to her husband, which is what she did to ensure she gives her husband that fine look which he can proudly show off to his friends, as it is not everytime a man brandish himself in a haircut made by his wife.

Images credit: Google and Instagram.