Being beautiful is a point of attraction people will always see whenever they set their eyes on a cute fellow, while it is always a good thing, certain issues like the opposite sex always admiring and coming for you might be a big issue especially if you are taken. For Nina a fan of hers might be trying to tell her how to deal with certain attraction her beautiful images might draw to her, as he reacted to her post by stating thus: '' Nina where is your wedding ring? Please wear it before guys begin to enter your DM. You look pretty, and your husband is really taking care of you. '' The fan concluded.

This reaction came after Nina shared some eye-catching images of herself looking quite stunning and glamorous, as she sat at a pub while enjoying a glass of drink, she was pictured wearing her short tinted hair, as she flaunted her fingers which has her wedding band missing, leading to her fan to throw in some words of advice to her.

It is always a good feeling for celebrities to have fans who watch out for them, and are able to give them some words of advice to guide them, when they might seem to be carried away. Nina not wearing her marital ring might send out some wrong signals to some people, as certain people might not even be aware that she is married, since she hardly flaunts her husband online, leading for them to want to woo her, as she is so damn fine.

Images credit: Nina's Instagram page.

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